Anxiety can have us feeling incapable of accomplishing anything. Frozen in a state of inaction while desiring to act can be one of the most frustrating feelings, causing even more anxiety. Think of anxiety as conflicting energies pulling us in different directions, bringing with it intense feelings of tension. This tension having no outlet becomes overwhelming, sometimes resulting in either panic attacks or retreating into complete shutdown mode.
General Anxiety can be characterized by extreme and unwarranted worry and anxiety that is difficult to regulate and reduce. Anxiousness can be centralized around daily task, family well-being, lack of control, feelings of uncertainty, life happenstance, and perception. The underlying goal of anxiety is usually associated with flight or avoidance. The goal is aimed at avoiding problems or responsibilities that individuals feel is a weakness or insecurity. The core objective being safeguarding from personal failure or feelings of not being good enough.
Anxious thoughts and mood can place us in a cycle that reinforces our feelings of inadequacy when faced with circumstances that are either out of our control or outside our areas of confidence. Together we will explore where our anxiety is coming from and ways in which we can use this energy for our benefit.