At Owens Counseling we believe that people can be responsible, healthy, functioning human beings while being imperfect. It is the goal of Owens Counseling & Consulting to help clients embrace their humanity and hold a place of self-compassion for themselves. There is truth & beauty in the process of being and with it the acceptance of our imperfections. Self-improvement and striving towards self-efficacy are two keys that I believe encourage us to live life boldly, courageously, & responsibly.
Owens counseling works with clients of all backgrounds, but specializes in working with Black & Brown clients throughout the life-span. Hoping to meet the mental health needs of the black community and develop a better understanding of mental health overall.
My Story
Growing up in Los Angeles, Ca I was always observant of the men within my community and the local boys I grew up alongside of in grade school. These observations of behavior patterns within the men of my family and neighborhood developed into an overall curiosity on what it means to be a man and how black men deal with the weight of gender roles & life stressors. I noticed that many had developed maladaptive coping-skills, as well as maladaptive emotional reactions, and when life would become challenging or difficult these coping strategies would become potential destructive vices. The same pride that resided in being a working-class black man capable of provision, protection, and emotional stoicism; was the same contributing factor to overwhelming stress & pressure felt to uphold these patriarchal expectations. We now know that unprocessed stress can lead to multiple health complications such as high cholesterol and other health issues due to varying stress related factors. It is my mission to myself and other men to understand that our masculinity is an intersectionality of our identity. We deserve to develop a sense of value and esteem that reflects our whole self and allows us to foster fulfilling relationships full of depth with our families, friends, peers, and community.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.