Stress-Coping Skills
Managing stress plays an important factor in how life-stressors effect our overall well-being. When we have limited stress coping strategies we often find ourselves having a more difficult time adjusting to the challenges life throws our way. Healthy coping skills helps us to become more responsive to these stressful moments, versus reactive. Let us work together on developing stress-management tools & techniques.
Everyone of us deals with some level of stress. In fact we all deal with it to a varying degree in multiple areas of our lives. We find ourselves confronted by stress in the workplace, stress in our marriage, stress within our living circumstances, seemingly so much daily stress that it becomes inescapable. If you feel this way, you would be correct! Stress is very much indeed a natural part of life and something that we are constantly faced with. Since we cannot change the facts of life that life is challenging, then we must change how we operate under distress. Working together we will develop core adaptive stress-coping strategies to help us feel empowered and in control during stressful experiences. Becoming more responsive, less reactive!